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Frequently Asked Questions

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What does WHS Robotics do?

 Westfield High School​ Robotics has two teams that compete in the FTC season.  We build new robots each season specific to the challenge we are presented with.  

See About Us for more information.


I have no prior experience in robotics. Is that a problem?

Not at all!  The WHS Robotics Club welcomes people of all different skill levels.  Although building and coding a robot may seem like a daunting task, it is easy to get the hang of it.  If you are new to robotics, there will always be students there to guide you through the process.  


Does it Cost Money?

Yes, participating in our team does cost money. We have 3 teams who all need their own materials, we have to transport our teams to and from competitions, all on top of the cost of our teams to participate in FTC. 

However! We understand that everyone on the teams may not have the same financial situations, thus financial support is available to anyone who may require it.


What is FTC?

FTC stands for FIRST Tech Challenge.  It is a competition where students grades 7-12 work together to design, build, and code robots.  Each year, teams are presented with a challenge and different constraints (for this years competition click here).  From that they construct a robot to battle it out in different meets, culminating into a tournament at the end of the season.  


When and where does WHS Robotics meet?

For all of the Westfield High School students, the Robotics Club meets on Tuesday and Thursdays in Room 140.  

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